Monday, 27 June 2011

History of Soap Operas

To get a better understanding of how soap operas originally started, I looked into the American history of soaps (where they began) and the English history of soaps (when they were introduced to the UK).

This information was collected from a presentation called 'The History of Soap Operas' on, and has been summarised.

The first ever Eastenders soap opera trailer was aired in 1985 when it began. Eastenders has continued to be one of the most successful British soap operas up to this day.

Learning about the history of soap operas is helpful for the making of my G324 soap opera trailer project as it gives me a better insight into the ideas behind the soap and how conventions came about.

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Specific Knowledge of Soaps

After watching a full episode of 'Eastenders' without any note taking, I extended my thoughts and created another mind map based around the observations I made and conventions I detected in that particular soap opera.

Monday, 20 June 2011

Initial Knowledge of Soaps

Before conducting any research into soap operas and what makes them different from TV dramas and series, I expressed my thoughts and opinions of what I believe makes a soap opera in the form of a mind map.

Sunday, 19 June 2011

Candidate Information

Name: Devon Dalton
Candidate Number: 5195
Centre Number: 16315

A2 Media Studies
Chelmer Valley High School